The Pacific Northwest Tour, 2003
Daytons' Slick Seton

The set-on for the Blue Mountain Railroad was scheduled for three hours, but in the end, the participants managed to have all the cars, some 25, on track and ready to roll within an amazing thirty one minutes.

The ladys of the Dayton Depot let me access the balcony that overlooked the grade crossing selected for the seton, so I managed to get a birds-eye view of the whole process.

Not seen in many of the photos are the initial actions taken by some owners to prepare their speeders for set-on, such as release of chains and other anchoring systems.

The process of seton was supervised by Chris Baldo and Jim Haskins.

This page has numerous photographs, so will take a while to download.

First Car on is Chris Baldo ST2AA.

Todd Hills MT14 - the "HillToddler"

John awaits his turn - A good coffee and a New York Times help fill in the time.

The joys of a small car, off the trailer and onto the track.

Jim Haskins pushing, Ted Hoheisel walking away, and George Hope supervising.

Jim Haskins pushes Teds' M9 down the track. In the background is Carl Vanderspek, backing Big Blue into position.

Big Blue is rolled onto the track. This truck has dual winches, a sliding bed and dual gauge track

Big Blue pushed out the way.


Next in the queue is Kitty and Dick Alegre

Kitty undoing the straps. It was a lot of fun to share the ride with so many ladies.

In the foreground, the Spicers car is wheeled out of its trailer, whilst the Red Car of the Vanderspek fleet , along with the "Port-a-Potty" is dropped off the truck. John Black is lined up ready to unload his A3.

No sooner has Carl pulled away than John has backed his truck in, and started to unload his car.

John has this so down-pat as a one-man show that I felt like I was getting in the way.

A rig like Johns' is a great way to go!

Jim Groover rolls (one of) the last cars clear.

Page Uploaded November 2, 2003

Site and contents © Nic Doncaster and John Black, 2003