Our SIC Fleet No 34
The Beast made the pilgrimage to Leigh Creek where she performed admirably.

Her only upsets was loosing the hanger pin, yet again, and throwing her chain in disgust not far south of Parachilna on the way back.

I had a look at the front axle as we identified this was on the limits for throw, not a dodgy wheel as first thought. With four days to go the axle was stripped out and sent for remachining - as usual Simon and his Crew at Simax Engineering abused me, but straightened out the axle nicely. Simon also abused me about fitting an alternator. For previous runs I have borrowed the control modules, but this time we lashed out and bought our own - she now throws 10amp without a problem.

The old girl had the pleasure of her other owner, Steve Overmyer, for most of the weekend, although in line with most ASSCO meets, just about everyone had a go at some time or other.

What a ball - thanks to Glen Reye and NRG for Hosting us yet again.

A beaming Steve at Neuroodla, the southern end of our trip.

Heading home from Copley on the first day.

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Page uploaded May 22, 2003 and updated June 10, 2007

© Nic Doncaster 2003